Thursday, June 5, 2014


Lizzy will be five the end of this month and I can hardly believe it.  I was looking at old pictures the other day and I can remember so vividly the many stages of her life.  Luckily there is so many more to come but I just wish I could freeze these little stages.  Lizzy loves being a sister and proudly announces regularly that she is such a good big sister.  And really, she is!  She is always more then willing to pull Cindie out of something that she shouldn't be doing or grab something for me for Cindie.  She is BOSSY and I regularly have to tell her that unless I ask her to stop Cindie she needs to let me be the mom.  She has more sass then I know what to do with at times and has no problem telling me if she thinks I am wrong.  At the same time she is the most forgiving person I know, thankfully because I am constantly having to tell her I am sorry.  As quickly as she is to forgive she is just as quick to apologize as well.  She is honest beyond belief at times and when I tell her a reason for things I have to tell her she doesn't need to go tell anyone else.  She has embarrassingly told the neighbors her mom said she can't go to their house because, "my mom doesn't know your parents well enough."  She has also told me, "mom, I'll go find out her moms name and then I can go play."  Its not enough to play at our house, she wants to go everywhere else.  She is so social I started to worry that she was not going to take homeschooling very well so when we made the decision that's what we were doing I told her right away so that she could get used to it.  She took it so much better then I could have imagined and now proudly tells people she is going to be home schooled by mommy. She is anxious to learn and always asks Ron and I to teach her to read.  When I told her she had to learn all the letters and their sounds first she made it a priority to spend time every day working on her "letters."  The closer it gets to what would have been the time she would leave for Kindergarten the more I realize I would have missed her terribly if she were away from me at school everyday. I used to think that I would enjoy that time away.  She wants to spend all her spare time outside and luckily now that the weather is warm its so much easier for her to do that.  She has so much excitement for life and finds joy in everything.  She tells me constantly of the silly things that Cindie is doing that she finds cute and ALWAYS has something that she is looking forward to. Ron has really been working lately on making her prayers more meaningful and its amazing to me the things she will say in her prayers whether good or bad.  Sometimes after I pray she will tell me, "that was a nice prayer."  I see so much of me in the things that she says and so much of Ron in her personality. She has an amazing sense of humor and loves to laugh.  I am so grateful to be her mother.  She teaches me in so many ways every single day.  She has blessed our home and our lives forever!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love Lizzie. I am so glad to get an update on how she is doing! What a sweet girl. Hope to see you guys soon!
