Friday, April 26, 2013

Buddha bear

Our Little bear or sissy turned six months yesterday and seriously I can hardly believe it.  I know this is so "cliche cliche cliche" but where does the time go?  Its funny how six months into a pregnancy I felt like I had been pregnant forever and yet six month into Cindie's life it feels like literally just yesterday I was in the hospital delivering her. Amongst the packing and everything else that goes with moving I am hoping to get around to taking her six month pictures in the next week before she sprouts up like a bean.

 Cindie is our mellow little child.  We put her in the johnny jump up recently and instead of jumping around she propped her feet up and leaned back.  I absolutely love to see the differences in personalities of both our girls.  I cherish those differences and hope to foster self esteem in both of them for the likenesses they share along with the differences.  She is definitely a mama's girl still and the older she gets the more she is realizing how much she enjoys the company of others.  If she is playing on the floor in the main part of our house and sees someone walk by she may fuss for a minute for some attention and quickly forgets and starts playing again. She is getting to be more talkative and about a week ago I pulled over on the side of the road to feed her because I had some time in between looking at houses.  She was hungry and tired and as soon as she saw me she started saying mamamamama.  She has continued to surprise us by saying baba and lala since then.  She is still so quiet compared to her big sister though and once again I just love to see the differences of my two girls.  While she prefers me, she lights up when her daddy and big sister come in the room and will gladly go to daddy any moment.  If Cindie is hungry and a little fussy because I am not in the position to feed her I can usually pass her off to her daddy and she is easily distracted.  She loves her thumb which I am learning to accept and find cute since I can't really do anything about it.   She sits up on her own and can roll from her tummy to her back but not the other way around although she is close.  One of her favorite things to do right now is sit in front of the mirror and make noises at the person looking back at her.

Yesterday I was thinking back on this time of year when Ron was finishing up school and would be graduating soon.  It was weird to me to think that Cindie wasn't really a part of our family yet even though we already loved her so much.  It was weird to think that she wasn't there to share in the festivities of her daddys graduation and everything else we had going on.  Its funny how your hearts and homes open up when having another child in a way that is so hard to comprehend before.  We love our little Cindie Marie and are so blessed to have her in our home.


  1. I love the picture of you feeding her! Lizzie looks so delighted by her little sister! I was talking with a friend the other day about how you have such a special place in your heart for each and every child, they are all so different and so wonderful in their own little ways. I loved all the pictures, Cindie is darling.

  2. Your girls are beautiful and these pictures are so great! Hope all is going well :)
