Thursday, May 16, 2013

Our new home

So I have been asked by mostly family to post pictures of our new home and since most of our house is a wreck and partly in boxes I decided I would post a few pictures of the few rooms in our house that are settled (when I say settled I in know way mean SETTLED) and showcase the outside of our home.  I felt a little weird at the idea of posting our home on facebook so I thought the blog would be a little more appropriate. I will post the rooms hopefully next week after I have had time to work on them this weekend with the help of my mom.  All the rooms have been painted crazy colors by the previous owners kids except for Ron and I's room which is grey and happens to be similar to the color we had in our old master bedroom so it works!  We will be slowly working on painting the rooms colors we want.  I don't have ANY decorations up and am anxious to start working on that but I think I will get everything unpacked first ;)

The Front
(the white balance is off in this picture and I didn't feel like going to the trouble to edit it so the color is a little off)

Some of the back
Some of the backyard- Its really hard for me to show how big our yard is but honestly the yard was what I fell in love it.  We were able to snag almost 1/4 of an acre and we love love love it.  It has a garden area which you can see a little bit of, then the playground, a tramp and a sandbox.
Our deck- which we have eaten almost every meal on since I got the patio set for mothers day!  
My front Entry
Our upstair bathroom- I can't wait to repaint the cabinets in this bathroom!
The pretty tile in our bathroom that I love
Our Kitchen- I love my kitchen and I am already getting excited to do a backsplash in here!

Yes its a mess

Yes I am going to show off my NEW bosch dishwasher that was just put in december   I love it.  ITs so quiet!
These are the paint samples we bought for our first project.  Cindie room!!
And since I feel like I should post some pictures of my cute kid along with my house =)


  1. I have desperately been waiting for this post like a crazy stalker! I love your home! I can't wait to come visit you, it seems absolutely perfect and for every bit as jealous as I am- I am at least twice as excited- congrats! Can't wait to see what you do to the place! Ps- LOVE the yard!
